Your Weapon Against Cyber Crime.
Uncover Website Security and Reputation
easily with Checksite AI

What is Checksite.AI

At, we believe that everyone deserves to browse the web with confidence and make informed decisions about the websites they interact with. That's why we've created a cutting-edge, free, user-friendly application that allows you to scan any website effortlessly, providing you with vital information about its security, scam risks, and reputation.

We employ advanced algorithms to scan websites and alert you if they are suspected of being scams. Your online safety is our top priority, and we're here to provide you with the knowledge needed to protect yourself from cyber threats and make informed choices.

But it doesn't stop there. We understand that reputation plays a crucial role in determining the credibility of a website. That's why scour the web for customers feedback, harnessing the collective wisdom of previous customers to provide you with a comprehensive reputation assessment for each website. Real customer feedback empowers you to make informed choices, allowing you to decide whether a website is trustworthy or not.

Our mission at is clear: to simplify the complex world of cybersecurity and enable you to navigate it confidently. We believe that protecting yourself online shouldn't require advanced technical knowledge. That's why our results are displayed in a user-friendly and intuitive manner, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their expertise, can quickly grasp the information they need.

By combining simplicity with the fight against cybercrime, becomes your trusted companion in the ever-evolving digital landscape. We strive to be a beacon of clarity, arming you with the knowledge necessary to make wise decisions and safeguarding your online experiences.

So, whether you're a seasoned internet user or just starting your online journey, join us at and take control of your cybersecurity. Embrace simplicity, stay secure, and make informed choices that empower you in the digital world.

Behind Checksite.AI

Checksite AI was ideated and created by Simone Onorato, an Analyst and an addiction for Cyber-Security problem-solving and helping others.
Cloud with thunder Checksite AI logo

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